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We take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to provide the products and services you have requested from us, in line with our Privacy Policy. You may also opt in to receive email news and offers. You can opt out at any time and we won't share your details with anyone else.

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This store is powered by Sunshine HQ. Please confirm that you accept our Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

Accept the Sunshine HQ Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions

Eyehear and Sunshine HQ take your privacy seriously and use your information to process your order, provide updates on your order(s), customer support, in line with our Privacy Policy.

Eyehear and Sunshine HQ do not store or hold your credit / debit card or bank details as payments are taken via our payment gateway partners, however your details may be passed onto fulfilment/distribution partners to enable your product to be shipped. We may also pass data over to chart companies when required.

Eyehear and Sunshine HQ employ security measures to protect your information from access by unauthorised persons and against unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction and damage. We retain your information for a reasonable period or as long as the law requires. Your details will be stored for future transactions, however you can request for your details to be removed via the account page anytime following successful completion of your order(s).

You can change your account and mailing list preferences or request your account to be deleted anytime by logging into My Account.

For further details on our policies and your rights, please view our Privacy Policy.